Safeguarding Children and Young People Policy


The Directors have formally approved and endorsed this policy on 4 December 2015 and then will regularly approve it (at least annually) thereafter or on change of central policy or guidance.

Last Updated 17/12/24

Statement of Intent

The need to have effective child protection policies and procedures in place must be top of the priority list for any organisation catering for children and young people. Recent years have seen considerable changes to the regulatory framework. New strategies targeted at providing support to vulnerable children and young people, together with initiatives aimed at improving practice in social care have followed each other as the Government has responded to intense public and media concerns.

The safety and welfare of all our young people on the flexible learning program is our highest priority. Our business is to know everyone as an individual and to provide a secure and caring environment so that every pupil can learn in safety.

All members of staff have a duty to safeguard our pupils’ welfare and must therefore familiarise themselves and comply at all times with this policy. This includes a duty both to children in need and to children at risk of harm. All staff should read at least Part 1 of KCSIE. All One Nation Studios staff should be aware that safeguarding incidents can happen at any time and anywhere and are required to be alert to any possible concerns.

One Nation Studios will work in collaboration with its service users and professional partners to minimise the situations in which harm may occur to children and young people.

Any indications that a child or young person may be suffering or is at risk of suffering harm will immediately trigger One Nation Studios’ safeguarding procedures. These procedures are consistent with the good practice guidelines of Birmingham Safeguarding Children Board.

One Nation Studios considers all staff, volunteers, trainees, students, contractors and anyone working on the site where One Nation Studios runs activities, other than for a short period of time to be ‘persons in a position of trust’. This policy and its implications relate to all ‘persons in a position of trust’.

One Nation Studios will ensure that safeguarding issues receive continuous attention and will regularly review the way that the organisation operates to support this principle. This policy applies to all children and young people aged 18 or under irrespective of gender, ethnicity, race, disability, religion, sexual orientation or other protected status.

What Is Child Abuse?

The NSPCC’s child protection fact sheet ‘Signs of child abuse’

 should be referred to by all staff in raising their awareness of and helping them to identify the signs of child abuse. The KCSIE definitions of abuse should also be referred to by staff.

Raising Awareness – Designated Safeguarding Leads

One Nation Studios Ltd (ONS) work with young people on a commissioned bases. The commissioning body, be it a school or a Local Authority Department must provide the name of the Designated Safeguarding Lead (DSL) and his or her deputy (where applicable) for each of the young people that take part in One Nation Studios’s flexible learning program. Our DSL is the managing director James Cannock. He has been fully trained for the demands of this role but will refer all concerns to the commissioning body’s DSL who has been fully trained for the demands of this role in safeguarding and inter-agency working.

The DSL of the commissioning body must be a member of the Senior Leadership Team in the School or Local Authority Department. Both the DSL and his or her deputy must regularly attend courses with child support agencies to ensure that they remain conversant with best practice.  It is advised that they undergo refresher training every two years and they have a job description for their safeguarding roles and key activities.  Their training needs to meet the requirements of the DfE’s ‘Keeping children Safe in Education’ (KCSIE).

Procedures for Dealing with Allegations or Concerns about a Child

One Nation Studios Ltd treats the safeguarding of the pupils in its care as the highest priority and recognises the important role it has to play in the recognition and referral of children who may be at risk. All staff are made aware of their duty to safeguard and promote the welfare of children in ONS’s care. Staff members are alerted to the particular potential vulnerabilities of looked after children.

Every member of staff, including part-timers, temporary, visiting, contract and volunteer staff are required to report instances of actual or suspected child abuse or neglect to the director of ONS who will in turn report instances or suspected child abuse or neglect to the commissioning DSL or their Deputy if they are unavailable. This includes alleged abuse by one or more pupils against another pupil.

If a member of staff is made aware of any allegation of abuse, or if knowledge of possible abuse comes to his/her attention it is his/her duty to listen to the child, to provide reassurance and to record the child’s statements, but not to probe or put words into the child’s mouth.

On hearing an allegation of abuse or complaint about abuse directly from a child, a member of staff should limit questioning to the minimum necessary for clarification.

Leading questions should be avoided. No inappropriate guarantees of confidentiality should be given; rather the child should be told that the matter will be referred in confidence to the appropriate people in positions of responsibility.

Please note that any member of staff can report a concern about a child to the local agencies. The DSL will report safeguarding concerns to their Head. Where there is reasonable cause to suspect that a child is suffering, or likely to suffer significant harm, a referral to Children’s Social Care will be made immediately.

Procedures for Dealing with Disclosures/Allegations of Abuse against an adult employed by or connected to One Nation Studios Ltd

Allegations of abuse may be made against a member of staff, a volunteer, a parent or other person connected to One Nation Studios Ltd.  If these disclosures are made by a member of staff, they should respond initially as described in the previous section: listen, reassure, do not probe or ask leading questions, and inform the child of the need to share this information only with those that need to be told.

The member of staff should make and submit an accurate written record and inform the Director immediately so that appropriate agencies can be informed within 24 hours and the matter resolved without delay. The Managing Director (James Cannock) will contact the Designated Officer (formerly known as the Local Authority Designated Officer) for advice or direction.

Where the allegation(s) concern (Designated Lead Person) James Cannock (Director), the staff member should report the matter to John Wilson (co-director), and/or direct to the school’s local authority without the managing director being informed first.

One Nation Studios Ltd recognises in relation to our EYFS setting, schools need to inform OFSTED as soon as reasonably practical, in any event within 14 days of any allegations of serious harm or abuse by any person living, working with or looking after children (whether that allegation relates to harm or abuse committed on the premises or elsewhere), or of any other abuse which is alleged to have taken place on the premises, and of the action taken in respect of these allegations.

Allegations of abuse against teachers staff will be dealt with according to the statutory guidance set out in part four of KCSIE.

If Immediate action is necessary

Immediate action may be necessary at any stage in One Nation Studios’ work with children, young people and families. In all cases it is vital that staff take action to safeguard the child or young person’s well being.

·    If emergency medical attention is required this can be secured by calling an ambulance (dial 999) or taking the child or young person to the nearest Accident and Emergency Department.

·    If a child or young person is in immediate danger, the police should be contacted (dial 999) as they alone have the power to remove a child or young person immediately if protection is necessary.

A child protection issue may come to the notice of a staff member, or 
volunteer because a child or young person: 

·    Makes a direct allegation or

·    Makes a comment which seems to suggest abuse or

·    Has bruises or marks or 

·    Behaves in a way that suggests the possibility of abuse or shows significant changes in their general behaviour or

·    A member of staff or volunteer may think that something about an adult’s behaviour may suggest that he/she is not a suitable person to care for children or young people.

The Designated Safeguarding Lead Person must be told about their concerns. Should the DSL be unavailable, the member of staff or volunteer must report the concern to their senior member of staff

Promoting Awareness

One Nation Studios Ltd supports pupils by having a culture and ethos that encourages and models appropriate behaviour, proactive support and guidance.

Position of Trust

As a result of their knowledge, position and/or the authority invested in their role, all adults working with children and young people in education settings are in positions of trust in relation to the young people in their care. A relationship between a member of staff and a pupil cannot be a relationship between equals. There is potential for exploitation and harm of vulnerable young people and all members of staff have a responsibility to ensure that an unequal balance of power is not used for personal advantage or gratification.

Wherever possible, staff should avoid behavior which might be misinterpreted by others, and report and record any incident with this potential.

Staff Behaviour and Code of Conduct

In general, pupils should be encouraged to discuss with their parents or guardians issues that are troubling them. Staff need to ensure that their behaviour does not inadvertently lay them open to allegations of Staff abuse. They need to treat all pupils with respect and try, as far as possible, not to be alone with a child or young person. Where this is not possible, for example, in an instrumental music lesson, or sports coaching lesson, it is good practice to ensure that others are within earshot. Where possible, a gap or barrier should be maintained between teacher and child at all times. physical contact should be the minimum required for care, instruction or restraint.

Communication with Young People

Staff have business mobile phone numbers and email addresses. These should be used in all cases. If they need to speak to a young person by telephone or e-mail, they should make contact through a parent or guardian or school.

Physical contact with pupils

There are occasions when it is entirely appropriate and proper for staff to have physical contact with pupils, but it is crucial that they only do so in ways appropriate to their professional role. Staff should, therefore, use their professional judgement at all times. Staff should not have unnecessary physical contact with pupils and should be alert to the fact that minor forms of friendly physical contact can be misconstrued by pupils or onlookers. A member of staff can never take the place of a parent in providing physical comfort and should be cautious of any demonstration of affection. Any physical contact should be reasonable, proportionate and commensurate with the situation the member of staff finds themselves in. Physical contact should never be secretive, or of the gratification of the adult, or represent a misuse of authority. If a member of staff believes that an action could be misinterpreted. the incident and circumstances should be recorded as soon as possible, the commissioning DSL informed and, if appropriate, a copy placed on the pupil’s file.

Physical Restraint

Physical restraint is only permissible when a child is in imminent danger of inflicting an injury on himself/herself or on another and then only as a last resort when all efforts to diffuse the situation have failed. Physical restraint should be reasonable and proportionate and be commensurate with the incident. Another member of staff should, if possible, be present to act as a witness. All incidents of the use of physical restraint should be recorded in writing and reported immediately to the DSL/head who will decide what to do next. Where this relates to ONS’ EYFS setting, parents will be informed of any physical restraint used on their child the same day or as soon as reasonably practicable.

Physical education and other activities requiring physical contact where exercises or procedures need to be demonstrated, extreme caution should be used if the demonstration involves contact with pupils and, wherever possible, contact should be avoided. It is acknowledged that some staff, for example, those who offer music tuition, will, on occasions, have to initiate physical contact with pupils in order to support a pupil so they can perform a task safely, to demonstrate the use of a particular piece of equipment and instruments or assist them with an exercise. This should be done with the pupil’s agreement.

Contact under these circumstances should be for the minimum time necessary to complete the activity and usually take place in an open environment. Staff should remain sensitive to any discomfort expressed verbally or non-verbally by the child.


  • In recruiting employed staff, One Nation Studios will follow a systematic selection process designed to assess the applicant’s suitability for the post and to work with children and young people.
  • One Nation Studios will make a systematic effort to ensure the safety and security of children and young people. Procedures for selection/recruitment will include detailed checks.
  • Enhanced DBS checks will be required by One Nation Studios for all persons in a position of trust. These will be repeated every three years, if the Update Service is not used.
  • One Nation Studios will confirm with agencies seeking to place students that they have received satisfactory DBS checks if the students are to work with children or young people.
  • The use of external DBS checks (portability) for providers not employed by One Nation Studios Ltd will be at the discretion of One Nation Studios Ltd.
  • There is a responsibility on employed staff to inform personnel of any charges, reprimands, cautions warnings or convictions that they may have received whilst in the employment of One Nation Studios as set out in the Staff Recruitment and Vetting policy and procedures.
  • No member of employed staff will be appointed to any position in One Nation Studios without two suitable references being provided. All referees must be persons who can comment on relevant and recent aspects of the applicant’s work with children or young people.
  • All employed staff will have a clear and detailed job description and person specification. Job descriptions should detail the person’s responsibility for keeping children and young people safe.


One Nation Studios requires that staff, students, trainees and volunteers are aware of their responsibility to act in a professional manner that reflects One Nation Studios’ mission statement. They must:

·    Treat children and young people with respect

·    Not make any prejudiced or discriminatory remarks

·    Avoid favouritism

·    Act to prevent bullying 

·    Act on all concerns regarding the safety and well being of children and young people

·    Not have personal relationships with children and young people whom they encounter through their work for One Nation Studios.


Employed staff working with or around children and young people will serve a probationary period in which the person’s performance is closely monitored and tested.

All employed staff will receive regular supervision from their Line Manager who will hold formal discussion and observation sessions to ensure the person’s performance is of a suitable standard. The supervision of staff will be used as a means of ensuring that the children and young people using the services of One Nation Studios receive adequate and appropriate protection. This will be through professional or case supervision where appropriate.


Core Competencies for Employed Staff

All employed staff will be required to demonstrate an understanding of and be aware 
of the following:

·    Abuse can be found in any community

·    Abuse does not always occur in a child’s home – it may take place at school, in homes of friends, in places of entertainment and in public places

·    Be able to define and identify physical abuse, sexual abuse, emotional abuse and neglect

·    Know how to respond if they suspect that a child or young person is being or has been abused

·    Know who the DLP’s are and how to contact them

·    Understand confidentiality procedures  

·    The importance of ensuring an environment of safe care practices and a reduction of risk in the workplace

·    How to safeguard themselves and avoid situations that may cause misunderstandings and misrepresentations

·    Have an understanding that some children and young people may be more vulnerable to abuse e.g. disabled children


·    Seek a signed agreement from the parents or carers of each child or young person if photographs or video images are to be taken and used for display purposes and separate consent for images to be used for publicity purposes.

·    Require parents or carers to sign a written statement, which sets out what One Nation Studios will do if it receives information that a child or young person has been abused. It must be specified that the information will be passed on to Children’s Social Care in the Directorate of Children, Young People and Families.

·    If a child or young person is absent from a setting without prior notice then immediate contact will be made with the commissioning body.

  • Please see the Data Retention and Data Protection Policies for details on data use, storage and the length of time data is retained for.
  • Should the concern arise out of normal working hours, contact should be made with the Emergency Duty Team on 01926 886922.  Making it clear you are making a referral.


A.           ‘The Early Years Foundation Stage: Statutory Framework September 2014’:

B.            Evidence from the NSPCC Policy Adviser – Safeguarding, Emily Arkell, to Sir Roger Singleton’s Review, dated 2 February 2009.

C.          ‘Keeping Children safe in education’ DfE guidance Dated 2021–2

D.          ‘Working Together to Safeguard Children’, DfE guidance dated 2018–2

F.            The definition and signs of child abuse

G.          ‘Child Protection in Academies: Setting the Scene’, Browne Jacobson Solicitors 2009

Keeping Children Safe in Education – Overview Q&A – May 2014

H.           ‘School Staff as Police Officers’- an ISBA briefing document by Farrer & Co, February 2012

Developing and Implementing a low-level concerns policy : A guide for organisations which work with children – September 2021