Health & Safety

One Nation Studios Limited

Health & Safety Policy


Studio at 1a St. John’s


CV34 4NE

07748 788036

Last Updated – 17/12/24

(Annually Reviewed)


One Nation Studios Limited is committed to effective and successful health and safety management.  This policy contains a statement of intent, together with organisation, details of the arrangements and monitoring systems for Health and Safety management.

One Nation Studios Limited’s Health and Safety Policy is central to an understanding that health and safety must feature prominently in all aspects of its operation in order to ensure compliance with the health and safety legislation.  

There are five parts to this Policy:-

1Aim, objective and statementDeclaration of intent by the Directors
2OrganisationThe management structure and defining of roles and responsibilities 
3ArrangementsThe procedures and systems necessary for implementing the Policy.  
4MonitoringThe system for auditing the effectiveness of the arrangements and for reviewing health and safety performance.
5AppendicesAssociated documents, procedures and risk assessments detailing the arrangements


Policy Aim 

To be an AP Setting where everyone can undertake their roles and responsibilities and fulfil their potential free from work related or education related injury or ill health; this includes all  staff, agency staff, peripatetic staff, volunteers, CYPs, and others who may be affected by our work activities.  

Policy Objectives 

  • to conduct all our activities safely and in compliance with legislative standards
  • to provide safe working and learning conditions  
  • to ensure a systematic approach to the identification of risks and the allocation of resources to control them 
  • to be an AP Setting that promotes a positive health and safety culture that is demonstrated by open communication and a shared commitment to the importance of health, safety and welfare
  • to promote the principles of sensible risk management which enables innovation and learning

Policy Statement 

One Nation Studios Limited recognises and accepts its responsibility as an employer and provider of services and will provide a safe and healthy workplace and learning environment for all staff, CYPs and such other persons as may be affected by its activities.  

One Nation Studios Limited will strive to meet and adhere to all relevant health and safety legislation.

Good health and safety management will be an integral part of the way that the AP Setting operates and will be considered across all work activities and across the wide range of educational activities delivered.

One Nation Studios Limited will ensure that we have access to competent technical advice on health and safety matters to assist us in meeting our objectives; we will do this by: 

  • Accessing the services of a competent Health and Safety Advisers
  • Accessing the services of a competent Health and Safety Training Providers
  • Appointing suitably trained and competent staff to implement all areas of Health & Safety

The AP Setting will:

  • Seek to ensure that its buildings, grounds, plant and equipment meet appropriate health and safety standards.  
  • Promote health and safety training to ensure competence and awareness 
  • Develop and communicate information on sensible risk management and safe working practices.  
  • Require all employees and encourage and support all CYPs to show a proper personal concern for their own safety, for that of the people around them through management example, through joint consultation, within the delivery of the curriculum and through pastoral care.
  • Require staff to exercise due care and attention, and observe safe working methods, including those inherent in their professional craft or training.

One Nation Studios Limited will adopt a planned risk based approach to health and safety management based on the principles of sensible risk management.  This will involve:

  • Assessment of hazards and associated risks 
  • Identification and implementation of preventive and protective control measures against those risks to an acceptable/ tolerable level
  • Monitoring the effectiveness of those measures including the enforcement of proper working practices by the senior leadership team and other supervising staff members and the review of incident statistics
  • Including health and safety requirements/responsibilities into contract conditions which will be enforced by the Directors, senior leadership team and other supervising staff members
  • Provision of information, instruction, training and protective equipment to staff (and CYPs where required)
  • Review of risk assessments, policies, procedures and practices at regular intervals and where additional information is gained through monitoring or following an incident.

It is a requirement of One Nation Studios Limited that this policy statement and its implications are understood and acted upon by all staff, directors and other relevant persons within the AP Setting. Linked to this policy statement are documents recording the organisational arrangements and procedures by which we will ensure that this policy is implemented.  

Copies of the policy will be issued to all staff and directors and will be available at www. with the master copy held by John Wilson on behalf of One Nation Studios Limited.

This Policy was approved by the Director of One Nation Studios Limited on 17/12/24.  It will be reviewed on or before 17/12/25.  


James Cannock


Date: ……17/12/24…………


Roles and Responsibilities


The Health and Safety at Work etc Act 1974 and subordinate legislation states that all employees have health and safety responsibilities when at work.  Although some duties and responsibilities may be delegated, accountability for health, safety and welfare at work is not transferable and cannot be evaded.  

One Nation Studios Limited is an AP Setting whereby the Directors have direct responsibility as the employer to ensure compliance with health and safety legislation and to ensure the health, safety and welfare employees, CYPs, visitors and contractors and the self employed.


One Nation Studios Limited has the responsibility for ensuring that reasonable measures are put in place to ensure the health and safety and welfare of employees, CYPs, visitors and other people affected by the establishment’s activities.  To this end the Directors will:

  • Produce a health and safety policy and devise appropriate procedures for managing health and safety related issues 
  • As part of their decision making, take into account the costs of implementing the health and safety policies, seeking and setting aside reasonable funding for their implementation 
  • Receive and action regular and routine health and safety reports from the Management to enable it to monitor and evaluate the effectiveness of the health and safety management systems 
  • Ensure that the AP Setting has access to competent health and safety advice


The CEO in particular will:

  • Ensure health and safety policies, procedures, action plan and risk management programme is implemented as an integral part of business, operational planning and service delivery 
  • Support accident and incident investigations, review reports and statistics, utilise information on trends and hot spots 
  • Undertake monitoring and ensure the provision of adequate resources to achieve compliance 
  • Ensure that the AP Setting has access to competent health and safety advice

Business Manager

The Business Manager at One Nation Studios Limited will undertake general responsibility to ensure that all necessary health and safety activities, requirements and standards are undertaken and met within their respective areas of control.  This will be done under the direction of the CEO.  Specifically the Business Manager and any other member of staff with supervisory responsibilities will:

  • Identify hazards, initiate risk assessments, record the significant findings and implement any necessary control measures 
  • Check and document that the working environment is safe; equipment, products and materials are used safely; that health and safety procedures are effective and complied with and that any necessary remedial action is taken 
  • Inform, instruct, train, supervise and communicate with employees and provide them with equipment, materials and clothing as is necessary to enable them to work safely; to complete the health and safety induction checklist for all new employees at the commencement of their employment 
  • Report all accidents, incidents and near miss events, undertake an investigation into the cause and take appropriate remedial action to prevent recurrence 


All employees, agency and peripatetic workers and contractors must comply with the AP Setting’s health and safety policy and associated arrangements and in particular are required to:

  • Take reasonable care for their own health and safety at work and of those who may be affected by their actions or by their omissions 
  • Cooperate with their line manager and senior management to work safely, to comply with health and safety instructions and information and undertake appropriate health and safety training as required 
  • Not  intentionally or recklessly interfere with or misuse anything provided in the interests of health, safety and welfare 
  • Report to their manager any health and safety concerns, hazardous condition or defect in the health and safety arrangements
  • Support the AP Setting in embedding a positive safety culture that extends to the CYPs of the AP Setting and any visitors to the site


All CYPs are expected to behave in a manner that reflects the AP Setting’s behaviour policy and in particular are expected to:

  • Take reasonable care for their own health and safety at the AP Setting and of their peers, teachers, support staff and any other person that may be at the AP Setting
  • Cooperate with teaching and support staff and follow all health and safety instructions given
  • Not intentionally or recklessly interfere with or misuse anything provided in the interests of health, safety and welfare 
  • Report to a teacher or other member of the AP Setting staff any health and safety concerns that they may have


The following arrangements will be adopted to ensure that the Directors and CEO fulfil their responsibilities and provide the foundation for securing the health and safety of employees, and all users of the site.

Setting health and safety objectives

The Directors and CEO will specifically review progress of health and safety objectives at the annual meeting of the Directors.  Where necessary health and safety improvements will be identified and included within the AP Setting action plan.

Provision of effective health and safety training 

The CEO and Directors will consider health and safety training on an annual basis in line with the AP Setting’s health and training record focussing on mandatory training as a priority.  

Provision of an effective joint consultative process

The AP Setting health and safety committee will meet at least once per term.

This committee will report to the CEO and Directors, who will ensure that concerns are considered and addressed within a clear action plan, with identified responsibilities and target dates.  The committee membership will include the CEO, a member of teaching staff and the site services officer.

Specialist advice and support

Specialist advice and support will be obtained from FSB or Specialist Health & Safety Advisors.

Establishing adequate health and safety communication channels

Communication channels will be established for the exchange of health and safety knowledge and information.  Where necessary, these communications will be recorded and include:- 

  • Senior leadership team meetings and staff meetings;
  • Site health and safety committee
  • Provision of information relating to safe systems of work and risk assessments;
  • Training provided
  • Communication of health and safety bulletins or information from Health and Safety Services

Financial resources

The Directors along with the CEO will review the AP Setting budget to determine, in the light of past performance, if adequate resources are being deployed to ensure adequate health and safety management and control.

Accident reporting

Any accident or injury is to be reported to the CEO by the person or persons involved in the accident and entered in the accident report book (Located in the Reception).  The CEO is to ensure that the leadership are informed of all accidents deemed to be of a serious nature and any dangerous occurrences, and where applicable follow the requirements of current legislation.

Accident investigation

The Business Manager (Or CEO in their absence) is to carry out an immediate investigation into the incident in order to identify the cause of the accident and measures taken to prevent a recurrence.

Investigations such as these are essential in order that accidents, damage to equipment and property, and losses are kept to a minimum.

All contractors must ensure that accidents involving their personnel are reported to One Nation Studio’s Business Manager, as well as their own reporting chain.

Reporting procedures

Any practice or condition that is likely to have an adverse effect on the health and safety of personnel, or damage to equipment or property, is to be reported to the Business Manager and recorded in the Risk Assessment.

Fire Prevention

A notice, ‘Action to be taken in the event of a fire’ is posted in all doorways leading to exits.  Each notice clearly identifies the assembly area to be used.

Personnel are responsible for knowing the location of fire exits. They should also know the location of the assembly point in the event of a fire.

The most important part of fire control is prevention. It is with this in mind that all personnel are to be conversant with the fire potential of materials and substances that they use, and should exercise maximum care in their use, especially those marked ‘flammable’.

Fire evacuation procedures, fire prevention training and fire alarm testing are to be carried out in accordance with current legislation. The Business Manager is responsible for ensuring that they are compliant with such legislation.

First Aid

There is a first aider on call within One Nation Studios during working hours.

A First Aid Kit is located in the Reception.


We are a non-smoking AP Setting.

Good housekeeping

Tidiness, cleanliness and efficiency are essential factors in the promotion of health and safety. Accidents can be prevented by following the guidelines listed below.

• Keep corridors and passageways unobstructed.
• Ensure shelves in storerooms and cupboards are stacked neatly and not overloaded.

• Keep floors clean.
• Do not obstruct emergency exits.

Consuming Food

Food may be consumed in all areas of the building except the toilet.

Personnel allergies are discussed at the beginning of induction.  Where this is a factor, arrangements will be put in place to ensure that food is consumed in a way which does not pose a risk to pupils.

Defective tools and equipment

All defects found in tools or any other equipment must be reported immediately to the CEO/Business Manager, who in turn will appraise the details.

The equipment concerned is to be withdrawn from service, clearly marked and isolated in an area where it cannot be reissued for further use until repair has been effected.

Electrical equipment

Only authorised and fully qualified personnel are to install or [attempt to] repair electrical equipment. Where 13-amp sockets are in use, only one plug per socket is permitted.

The protective outer sleeve of electrical cables is to be firmly secured within the electric plugs. Where the outer sleeve is not secured within the plug and the connecting live wires are visible, a qualified person is to be tasked to rewire the plug correctly.

Electrical equipment that is known to be, or suspected of being faulty must not be used.

If electrical equipment becomes faulty whilst in use, it is to be isolated from the source of supply and secured so that it cannot be used until repair has been effected.

Use of harmful substances

When using harmful substances, whether they be material or chemical substances, all personnel must ensure that adequate precautions are taken to prevent injury to health.

No new materials or chemical substances are to be brought into use unless an assessment using the Control of Substances Hazardous to Health (COSHH) Regulations 2002 has been carried out and clearance given for use by the Business Manager. 


Where noise cannot be controlled at source, all personnel must be protected from high noise levels as required by the Noise at Work Regulations.

Manual handling of loads

Personnel are not to lift, drag, push or carry heavy or awkward loads unless training has been undertaken and risk assessments carried out.

Use of Display Screen Equipment (DSE)

See Associated Risk Assessment.

Lone Working

See Associated Risk Assessment.

Stress at Work

See Associated Risk Assessment.


See Associated Risk Assessment.


It is the duty of all One Nation Studios personnel to ensure the health and safety of all visitors to One Nation Studios Limited.

Visitors should not be allowed to enter unaccompanied and, where protective clothing or measures are in place for a specific area or task, the same level of protection is to be afforded to any visitor proceeding to that area.


Contractors working within One Nation Studios are required to comply with the working rules as issued by One Nation Studios. Any breach of these rules is to be reported to the CEO and/or Business Manager.


This Health and Safety Policy together with the associated procedures and health and safety performance, will be reviewed by the Directors and CEO on a regular basis, or as required.  

In order to substantiate that health and safety standards are actually being achieved, the AP Setting will measure performance against pre-determined plans and objectives.  Any areas where the standards are not being met will require remedial action.  

The AP Setting will use different types of systems to measure health and safety performance:

Active monitoring systems: 

  • Spot checks and termly site inspections will be undertaken 
  • Documents relating to the promotion of the health and safety culture will be  regularly examined and reviewed
  • Appropriate statutory inspections on premises, plant and equipment will be undertaken
  • Where necessary, health surveillance and environmental monitoring systems will be implemented to check the effectiveness of health control methods and to detect early signs of harm to health.

Reactive monitoring systems: 

  • Identifying where health and safety standards are not being met, by monitoring for failures in the systems – such as accidents, cases of ill health (work-related sickness), damage to property, etc

Reporting and response systems: 

  • ensuring that monitoring information is received, having regard to situations which create an immediate risk to health or safety, as well as longer-term trends and ensuring remedial action is taken 
  • AP Setting health and safety committee, Directors and Senior Leadership team will all receive and consider reports on health and safety performance

Investigation systems: 

  • Prioritising investigation of incidents which indicate the greatest risk and the identification of both the immediate and the underlying causes of events 
  • Analysing data to identify common features or trends and initiate improvements 
  • Where cases of occupational ill-health are to be investigated 
  • Where complaints relating to occupational health and safety are to be recorded and investigated 
  • Where accidents/incidents and assaults with the potential to cause injury, ill-health or loss are to be reported, recorded and appropriately investigated 

Health and Safety Organisation Structure