Last Updated – 19/11/24
(Annually Reviewed Unless Otherwise Required)
1. General Principles
2 Legislation and Statutory Requirements
3 Roles and Responsibilities
4. CYP Code of Conduct Summary
5. Classroom and Behaviour Management
6. Rewards and Sanctions
7. Bullying
8. Training
9. Links with Other Policies
Appendix 1: AP Setting Rules
The Company Directors will ensure that One Nations Studios approach to behaviour meets the following national minimum expectation: (The national minimum expectation of behaviour is aligned with the Ofsted ‘good’ grade descriptor for assessing Behaviour and Attitudes.)
a) We have high expectations of CYP’s conduct and behaviour, which is commonly understood by staff and CYP and applied consistently and fairly to help create a calm and safe environment.
b) Leaders visibly and consistently support all staff in managing CYP behaviour through following the behaviour policy.
c) Measures are in place and both general and targeted interventions are used to improve CYP behaviour and support is provided to all CYP to help them meet behaviour standards, making reasonable adjustments for CYP with a disability as required.
d) CYP behaviour does not normally disrupt teaching, learning or AP Setting routines. Disruption is not tolerated, and proportionate action is taken to restore acceptable standards of behaviour.
e) All members of the staff create a positive, safe environment in which bullying, physical threats or abuse and intimidation are not tolerated, in which CYP are safe and feel safe and everyone is treated respectfully.
f) Any incidents of bullying, discrimination, aggression, and derogatory language (including name calling) are dealt with quickly and effectively.
We should always try to understand other people’s point of view and differences in identity and speak politely to each other. This policy aims to:
Summarise the roles and responsibilities of different people in the AP Setting community with regards to behaviour management.
Provide a consistent approach to behaviour management.
Define what we consider to be unacceptable behaviour.
Outline how CYP are expected to behave.
Outline our system of rewards and sanctions.
The law also requires schools to balance a number of duties which will have bearing on their behaviour policy and practice, particularly where a pupil has SEND that at times affects their behaviour. One Nation Studios is not a school however This policy is based on guidance from the Department for Education (DfE) on:
a) Behaviour and discipline in schools
b) Searching, screening and confiscation at school
c) Keeping Children Safe in Education
d) Use of reasonable force in schools
e) Supporting pupils with medical conditions at school It also takes into account the special educational needs and disability (SEND) code of practice. In addition, this policy is based on DfE guidance explaining that academies should publish their code of conduct policy and anti-bullying strategy online. This policy complies with our funding agreement and articles of association.
f) Schools have duties under the Equality Act 2010 to take such steps as is reasonable to avoid any substantial disadvantage to a disabled pupil caused by the school’s policies or practices.
g) Under the Children and Families Act 2014, relevant settings have a duty to use their ‘best endeavours’ to meet the needs of those with SEND; and
h) If a pupil has an Education, Health and Care plan, the provisions set out in that plan must be secured and the school must co-operate with the local authority and other bodies.
i) As part of meeting any of these duties, schools should, as far as possible, anticipate likely triggers of misbehaviour and put in place support to prevent these. Illustrative examples of preventative measures include (but are not limited to):
short, planned movement breaks for a pupil whose SEND means that they find it difficult to sit still for long;
adjusting seating plans to allow a pupil with visual or hearing impairment to sit in sight of the teacher;
adjusting uniform requirements for a pupil with sensory issues or who has severe eczema;
training for staff in understanding conditions such as autism.
3.1 The Directors of One Nation Studios are responsible for monitoring, reviewing and approving this behaviour policy’s effectiveness and holding the AP Setting to account for its implementation.
3.2 The Director James Cannock will ensure that the AP Setting environment encourages positive behaviour and that staff deal effectively with poor behaviour, and along with the Senior Leadership and Learner Development Teams, will monitor how staff implement this policy to ensure rewards and sanctions are applied consistently.
3.3 Staff Teaching and support staff are responsible for:
Implementing the code of conduct consistently.
Modelling positive behaviour (see separate Staff Conduct Policy).
All staff are aware of their safeguarding responsibilities, as set out in statutory guidance Part 1 of Keeping children safe in education (KCSIE).
Providing a personalised approach to the specific behavioural needs of particular pupils.
Recording behaviour incidents.
Informing the DSL of serious incidents.
3.4 Parents Parents are expected to:
Support their child in adhering to the pupil code of conduct.
Support the AP Setting in matters of discipline.
Attend parental meetings and briefings if required.
Inform the AP Setting of any changes in circumstances that may affect their child’s behaviour.
Discuss any behavioural concerns with the relevant member of staff promptly.
Ensure their CYP is properly equipped and prepared for the AP Setting.
Ensure their CYP’s attendance and punctuality to the AP Setting.
3.5 CYP CYP’s are expected to:
Adhere to the Code of Conduct.
Act with courtesy and consideration to others at all times.
encourage good behaviour and respect for others.
Not engage with any form of bullying (including cyberbullying, prejudice-based and discriminatory bullying).
(See Appendix 1 for the AP Setting Rules)
CYP must show courtesy, respect and kindness to all, at all times.
CYPs must not run in the building.
Electrical equipment / mobile phones may not be used in any part of the AP Setting, except with the permission and supervision of a member of staff.
Valuables should not be brought into school. CYPs do so entirely at their own risk.
Litter must always be placed in the bins provided.
5.1 Classroom management Teaching and support staff are responsible for setting the tone and context for positive behaviour within the classroom. Teachers will manage behaviour effectively to ensure a good and safe learning environment. They will:
Have clear rules and routines for behaviour in classrooms, and take responsibility for promoting good and courteous behaviour both in classrooms and around the AP Setting, in accordance with the AP Setting’s Code of Conduct.
Have high expectations of behaviour, and establish a framework for discipline with a range of strategies, using praise, sanctions and rewards consistently and fairly.
Manage classes effectively, using approaches which are appropriate to CYP’s needs in order to involve and motivate them.
Maintain good relationships with CYP’s, exercise appropriate authority, and act decisively when necessary.
5.2 Physical restraint School staff have a power to use force and lawful use of the power. The Government’s published guidance will be followed. Please refer to the separate Use of reasonable force in schools advice.
5.3 Confiscation Any prohibited items (listed in the AP Setting Rules in Appendix 2) found in CYP’s possession will be confiscated. These items will not be returned to pupils. We will also confiscate any item which is harmful or detrimental to AP Setting’s discipline. These items will be returned to CYP’s after discussion with senior leaders and parents, if appropriate. Searching and screening pupils is conducted in line with the DfE’s guidance on searching, screening and confiscation.
5.4 Pupil support The AP Setting recognises the legal duty of schools under the Equality Act 2010 to prevent CYP’s with a protected characteristic from being at a disadvantage. Consequently, our approach to challenging behaviour may be differentiated to cater to the needs of the CYPl. The AP Setting’s special educational needs co-ordinator will typically evaluate a CYP who exhibits challenging behaviour to determine whether they have any underlying needs that are not currently being met. Attendance, punctuality, and behaviour points are regularly monitored for all CYP’s to help identify emerging patterns of concerning behaviour. Where necessary, support and advice will also be sought from one or more of: specialist teachers, an educational psychologist, medical practitioners and/or others, to identify or support specific needs. When acute needs are identified, we will liaise with external agencies and plan support programmes for that child. We will work with parents to create the plan and review it on a regular basis. Supporting improved behaviour:
In talking to CYP’s during a process of setting a serious sanction (and once any investigation has been completed), it is very important that CYP’s understand why the behaviour was unacceptable, what alternative action could have been taken, and how they could handle such situations in the future. This discussion will form a normal part of the discipline and behavioural education process. In addition, strategies to support improved behaviour may be identified and these strategies put into place.
In matters of withdrawing provision, the Director (James Cannock) will see the CYP, with a member of the Commissioning body, and talk through the issues, CYP’s responses and the way forward for the future. The Director will then decide whether suspension or withdrawal of provision is appropriate in the context of the AP Setting’s Code of Conduct, and if so the length of it. The decision will be based on the level of misbehaviour, the past pattern of misbehaviours of the individual and any other relevant factors.
5.5 Safeguarding The AP Setting recognises that changes in behaviour may be an indicator that a pupil is in need of help or protection. We will consider whether a CYP’s misbehaviour may be linked to them suffering, or being likely to suffer, significant harm. The AP Setting has procedures in place to respond to any allegations or concerns regarding a child’s safety or wellbeing. These include clear processes for:
Responding to a report
Carrying out risk assessments, where appropriate, to help determine whether to:
Manage the incident internally
Refer to early help
Refer to children’s social care
Report to the police Where necessary we will follow our Safeguarding and Child Protection policy.
High standards of self-discipline are expected in the CYP’s’ own interests and for the welfare of the AP Setting. CYPs are rewarded for taking academic risks, improvements in their work or approach to work, high levels of diligence (effort) and service to the AP Setting.
6.1 List of rewards Positive behaviour will be rewarded with:
Verbal praise
Personal choice activity time
6.2 Sanctions Anti-social behaviour is not accepted and disciplinary action is taken if necessary. All members of staff have a key role in the maintenance of good order within the AP Setting and in the care of the environment.
In the first instance, teachers have a responsibility to deal with indiscipline in their lessons and have at their disposal a number of appropriate strategies.
If this fails to yield the desired outcome, teachers will normally engage the help of the Director.
If the deemed appropriate the commissioning body or school will be informed
CYPs concerned are asked to give an account and investigating staff will ask additional questions to clarify sequencing, detail or any apparent discrepancies
Witnesses will be asked for their account; this will include (as required) CYPs and or staff
A decision will be made as to the likely pattern of events based on the evidence collected. It should be noted that the AP Setting must decide on the balance of probabilities, according to their own experience and judgement, as to whether the CYP has carried out any incidents in question. This is not the same as in a court of law where it is required that matters need to be proved beyond reasonable doubt.
Sent Home The director will make the decision if this is appropriate and will inform the commissioning body
Suspension or Withdrawal of Provision In consultation with the commissioning body and the Director a decision will be made.
6.3 Zero-tolerance approach to sexual harassment and sexual violence The AP Setting will ensure that all incidents of sexual harassment and/or violence are met with a suitable response, and never ignored. Sexual harassment and violence is considered to be gross misconduct. Staff and CYPs are encouraged to report anything that makes them uncomfortable, no matter how ‘small’ they feel it might be. The AP Setting’s response will be:
Decided on a case-by-case basis
6.4 Malicious allegations Where a CYP makes an allegation against a member of staff and that allegation is shown to have been deliberately invented or malicious, the AP Setting will discipline the CYP in accordance with this policy. Where a pupil makes an allegation of any kind (e.g. sexual violence or sexual harassment) against another CYP and that allegation is shown to have been deliberately invented or malicious, the AP Setting will discipline the CYP in accordance with this policy. In all cases where an allegation is determined to be unsubstantiated, unfounded, false or malicious, alongside appropriate sanctions, the AP Setting will consider whether the pupil who made the allegation is in need of help or support. If so, a referral to children’s social care may be appropriate. Please refer to our Safeguarding and Child Protection Policy for more information on responding to allegations of abuse against staff or other pupils.
Bullying is defined as the repetitive, intentional harming of one person or group by another person or group, where the relationship involves an imbalance of power.
Training and guidance about behavioural expectations, sanctions and processes is provided as part of the AP Setting’s CPD programme, typically through year team and staff meetings.
This Code of Conduct is linked to the following policies:
Health and Safety Policy
Safeguarding and Child Protection Policy
Staff Behaviour Policy
Electrical equipment, including, but not limited to mobile telephones, smart watches and ear buds may not be used in any part of the AP Setting grounds, except with the permission and supervision of a member of staff.
The AP Setting does not accept responsibility for the loss of mobile phones or other valuables, other than those confiscated by a member of staff.
Under no circumstances may any of the following be brought into the AP Setting
Offensive weapons e.g. guns, knives, and dangerous sprays or chemicals, or any item intended for use as a weapon or purporting to be a weapon
Discriminatory, or other offensive materials
Pornographic materials
Lighters, matches, fireworks and pocket lasers
Cigarettes (including electronic cigarettes or materials for vaping), alcohol, illegal drugs or dangerous or other psychoactive substance, or substances purporting to be such, or the paraphernalia associated with the use of those substances
Solvents such as “Tippex”, “Superglue” or similar items
Stolen property
Items intended for sale / trade to / with other pupils
CYPs are expected to behave appropriately and in a way that will not jeopardise the safety of others. Any pupil who behaves in a way that presents a significant risk to the health and safety of other members of the AP Setting will be liable to the withdrawal of provision. This includes the following circumstances:
Actual or threatened violence against another member of the AP Setting
The possession, exchange or sale (including the offer to sell) of an illegal or dangerous or other psychoactive substance, or substances purporting to be such, or the paraphernalia associated with the use of those substances.
Misuse of life saving equipment; malicious use of evacuation routines
Persistent and / or very serious, malicious, disruptive behaviour or refusal to conform to the Code of Conduct or AP Setting rules. CYPs should look after their own safety and that of others; they must:
Comply with the AP Setting’s health and safety procedures and policies.
Follow instructions in relation to the use of equipment etc.
Not misuse or take equipment.
Report any relevant accidents.
Report any health and safety concerns they may have to the relevant member of staff.
The AP Setting understands the nature of the provision and therefore recognises CYP’s may be late or do not attend. Repeated none attendance will be discussed with the commissioning body and if agreed provisions will be withdrawn
The AP Setting does not accept responsibility for CYPs until they enter the building
CYPs must move sensibly around the AP Setting, never running
No CYP is permitted to leave the AP Setting with the knowledge of a member of staff
The store room is out of bounds to all CYPs
Eating and drinking is prohibited in the toilet.